The Metaphysical Christogrammic Art
The Art of Remote Viewing / The Hermetic Art
of the Soul of Man and Gnostic Cognition

Anne Furnaris - Photographed with her sculpture entitled "The Gates of the Sun I." The artwork was displayed in the Regional Biennial Juried Sculpture Exhibit 2018 at the Marshall Fredericks Sculpture Museum, Saginaw, Michigan. The sculpture reveals in its hermetic-arcane form and structure the Metaphysical Gates of the Inner Sun of Creation ever-existing within the Soul of Man, the gates opening toward the Higher Consciousness of the future Kayan-Adamic Races of Mankind.
The Christogrammic Art unites in the one-visual unit the conscious reason-thought and Physical Spatial Reality (see the above image) with the Metaphysical Consciousness and Astral-Etheric Space-Reality manifesting as non-physical nature of existence (see the image below).

The Cosmic Moher of All
Oil on Canvas - 88 inches x 72 inches / Donated to the 'Museo de Arte de Joinville", Santa Catarina, Brasil 2011.
Physical and Non-Physical Reality will join to encompass One-Higher Perception of our Individual Consciousness. The Mind (located in the Space-Time frame from the within and without our physical brain) possesses a lower and space-limited perception, while the infinite spheres of Higher Perception do indwell our Consciousness. The six constituent fragments of our composite Being of Man - Individual Spirit and Consciousness, Mind of the Brain, Mind of the Soul, Physical Body, and Inner Soul - are interrelated in a dynamic process of Cosmic (not terrestrial) Evolution, a scientific process-phenomenon that will attain at the end of the present Great Cycle of Life a state of transcendence, which has been called Resurrection since the Dawn of the creational Universe, Cosmic Cycles of Consciousness, and Ages of Life.
With the Mind of the Brain, you would see (perceive) the outer layer of the stone of the mountain, whereas deep within that stone, your Consciousness will perceive the infinite sphere of Space-Time from the present and future Galactic Existence. The Great Mystery of Life is perceived, cognized, and comprehended by our Consciousness, not by the Individual Mind with its conscious thought. Evolution begins and never-ends within Consciousness and Spirit; Mind is just a superficial attribute of the ever-evolving Consciousness in all forms of sentient life.
Underlying the entire frame of Space-Time-Life there is an invisible and mystical substance, ever-flowing and permeating-pervading the entire begotten and unbegotten Universe-Creation. Giving sustenance to all forms of existence, that invisible substance has taken the all-encompassing name of Universal Consciousness. I am life-time indebted to the Beings of Light from the Etheric and Astral Spaces who have helped, protected, and guided me along the years in this World of Mortals to bring this science of evolving consciousness - the Science of the Metaphysical-Christogrammic Art - to the heart and mind of those who are seeking to find a genuine and noble path of spiritual evolution.
Art is a Mystery of the Great Creation. Throughout the written and unwritten history of the earthly Races of Man, art and its various idiomatic manifestations and inner semantics of perceptual powers have fashioned the seen and unseen engine of mental, psychological, and social evolution. Despite the common materialistic concept, art is not a phenomenon created in the physical space-time-reality and seen as simplistic impulse or physical object-representation. Art is a creational mystery that was initiated within the Consciousness and Soul of the artist, to further descend-transcend the invisible space-time and reach the laboring mind and hands of each artist that would create the artwork.
Art is not a Concept of the Mind that will be given FORM in our known physical reality; it is our minds that are prone to create numberless thoughts and concepts in the involuntary struggle to comprehend art just as a simple phenomenon belonging to the limited physical reality of terrestrial world.
The last layer of the Mystery-Art does occur in the World of the Physical Phenomena, while the true origin of Art is metaphysical in nature. The artist may represent the physical reality and create the addiction of the mind to the Physical Existence but in that artistic artwork can be found the symbolic vision showing the inner metaphysical reality, the second identity-nature of the artwork.
The artist brings the Metaphysical into the Physical, the Invisible of the Soul and Consciousness into the Visible World, and thus, the eye could easily perceive, while the conscious mind would comprehend it better. My artworks do not envision the physical space-reality but the metaphysical space-world, nature, and identity of the human Soul and Consciousness. My artistic representation is the Voice of the heart from this finite and mortal world toward the Infinite and Immortal World of the Inner Soul and Consciousness, toward the Cosmic (Universal) Consciousness of One Begetter-Father of All-Creation.
A civilization without genuine art and artists is nothing but a civilization with no spiritual frame and no chance of Cosmic Evolution in the infinite network of Eternal Creation. The so-called Scientific Technology - and so many peoples believe in that power-blade with two cuts - can bring you slowly to the edge of imminent extinction, as it happened with so many sentient Races of Man in our so-little known Universe-containing infinite Cosmic Spaces of ever-evolving Forms of sentient Beings (among which is included the Being of Man).
Space and Time manifest in One
Frame-Substance-Nature of Existence
Space and Time are not separated or divided, as we have perceived and consciously miscomprehended by the conscious mind (reason-thought dynamics), which mainly functions by the use of mental analysis of the visual perception-frame, the perception that is totally limited to the sphere of physical reality. Space and Time are one unit- frame-substance of existence, the Space-Time-Continuum known and studied in the Quantum Physics.
What we mentally comprehend as being spiritual and physical-genomic evolution does begin as VISUAL PERCEPTION in the frame of Space-Time of Physical Reality, which further would attain the ever-evolving Consciousness for all Forms of sentient Life. Evolution never end in the Infinite Sphere of Life of the Universal Consciousness; it will ever go forward and upward. To reach the Cosmic and Universal Consciousness is the higher purpose of Life-Incarnation, a noble purpose that put the seal-mark of unceasing evolution to all levels of the Being of Man- eliminating the tragic destiny of devolution.
Mind - as a functional fragment of Creation - is just a superficial structural attribute communicating to all levels of Consciousness - Individual Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Universal Consciousness. The essential dynamics of the Individual Mind functions by an intricate mechanism of resonating waves of various frequencies produced by the self-emerging voluntary and involuntary conscious thoughts. Our physical brain is a fountain of ever-transmitting conscious and unconscious thoughts, the building bricks of the Great Mystery of Cognition of Space-Time-World and Reality of Existence. By the power of Thought, we do acknowledge and comprehend Existence, Reality, Life, Mystery, and Creation.
The power of our thoughts is related to their underlying resonating waves of various frequencies. Higher the frequencies of the brain-emerging waves would be, greater the ability of the Individual Mind to cognize the Mysteries and Nature of Life in the Infinite Creation-Universe. Through the underlying waves - let call them mental waves until the scientists will discover their miraculous nature - our thinking Mind-Brain continuously communicate to the Mind of Inner Soul, Individual Consciousness, Cosmic and Universal Consciousness of Creation. Therefore, what we think, feel, cognize, and comprehend is known by our Begetter-Father All. We will not need anymore any religion to acknowledge and prove the existence of the Great Father of All-Creation since in the near future we shall attain the evolved Mind-Consciousness to comprehend the Metaphysical and Mystical Science by which the Great Begetter of All created us and the whole Universe of Existence and Non-Existence.
As our Brain-Mind functions as a transmitter of waves-thoughts, though the Consciousness (Individual, Cosmic, Universal) manifest as a generator of waves-thoughts, so conscious and unconscious telepathic communication does exist in the entire frame of Universal Existence. One might remember now, that at the very basic level of function-manifestation of our Brain-Mind lays the Visual Perception, the innate perception enabling us to attain the highest waves-frequencies of all creational levels of Consciousness. Due to the existence of Visual Perception (remember that we see with our Brain-Mind, and not with our physical eyes), and the born-of-destiny science of Metaphysical Christogrammic Art, we shall be empowered to decipher the Alchemical Symbology of Cosmic Existence, to speak to our own Inner Souls and Consciousness. The Visual Perception-Cognition that will use the Christogrammic Symbology-Language will have an open Gate to the Higher Consciousness and Evolution. The skeptics of the world will have time to convince themselves of the existence of this inner phenomenon.
The ones eager to be released from the chains of perpetual suffering (which is always mental suffering at its basic level) have to deeply think that telepathy is nothing else but the mysterious transmission of mental waves having visual images and sounding information. Finally, you will acknowledge that the sound can be mentally and verbally produced. The voice of the mind and the voice of the tongue both function on the same frame of waves-generating thoughts possessing informational content.
It would be easier now to understand why we have two different Knowing in our mysterious Being: one is named Inner Knowing (transcending from our Consciousness and Mind of Soul), and the other is the Knowing-Cognition of our wave-generating thoughts of the Brain-Mind. Undoubtedly, the Inner knowing contains the higher knowledge, higher than the conceived thoughts of the Brain-Mind. With all my heart, I can say that there are two ways to look at the little stone from the mountain: one way would be to look and perceive just the poor stone of the material structure, whereas the other way will be to look deep within that stone and perceive the present and future Galactic Existence. Therefore, the first way to perceive the stone of the mountain is the way of the Individual Brain-Mind, while the second way is the perception of the Mind of Soul and Inner Consciousness.
Without getting enthuse, you are asked to read and think deeply, comprehend everything, and then follow the path of the science derived from the inception of the Metaphysical Christogrammic Art. And be happy to know that despite the Power of Evil of this world and other worlds, no one and no created force can ever fight and overcome the Infinite and Eternal Power of Universal Consciousness.
The following diagram has been dismantled so many times for unknown reasons. It does show the Triune Levels of Universal Consciousness. I will try again-and-again to re-constructed.

The Metaphysical Christogrammic Art
The Alchemical Quest of the Soul
After years of spiritual, psychological (Psyche is the Greek word for the Soul), and mind-searching for the Truth of our Inner Self-Being, I have begun to create an artistic expression that embodies the semantics of Metaphysical-Christogrammic Art. It is named like that since it binds in a one-visual unit the Metaphysical Consciousness with the conscious reason-thought of the Individual Mind of the Brain. In between the Consciousness of the Inner Self and Physical Body (Outer Self) of the Being of Man, there is our immortal Soul-Spirit-Form with its own alphabet of alchemical symbolism-giving semantics, an alphabet embodying the Metaphysical Christogramic Emanation of the Logos with its Language and Semiotics. By the transcendence of the Christogramic Semiotics from the Mind of the Soul into the Mind of the Brain, thinking, ideation, and alphabetical language would appear to embody the mystery of cognition for the Being of Man. It has to be emphasized that Man is not a gender, but a Seed of Creation begotten by the Eternal Father-Creator of the Infinite Universe.
Man-Soul and Woman-Soul united in One-Image-Essence of Creation reveal the highest Mystical Mystery-Pattern of Cosmic Evolution existing in the Great Cycles of Consciousness. By the Power of Destiny manifesting within me, I do confess with the Tongue of the Soul and Heart that I have not created this Spiritual-Transcendental Art with its array of Metaphysical-Hermetic and Gnostic expressions as a means of pleasure, individual experience, or conscious will to satisfy any spontaneous human desire. It has and is created under the Sacred Eye of Fate to become a tool of scientific investigation, cognition, and evolution for our Mind, Spirit, Soul, and Consciousness – the major constituents of our Inner Self-Being.
Along the years of devoted artistic work, I reached the thorough comprehension that the Soul of the Being of Man possesses a Metaphysical Language that is transmitted to our unconscious mind. Further ahead, the Mind located within the Space-Time of the Brain would generate countless mental and verbal languages for the Races of Man inhabiting the Galactic Mother-Stars (which are erroneously called planets). The Christogrammic Language is not only the Language of our Soul-Spirit-Forms since this gnostic semiotics manifests through the entire Great Consciousness of Universe, the GNOSTIC SEMIOTICS begotten as a metaphysical extension of the Logos, the Monadic Word sustaining the Esoteric One-of-the-All and All-of-the-One.
Within us does exist the Great Esoteric Principle - shown in all my artworks - that binds us in One Collective Destiny as existential Soul-Spirit Forms. That Esoteric Principle sustained by the immutable Laws of Creation is the main fragment of the Word-Logos, the Monadic Word that further gives gnostic cognition to the Mind of the Brain in order to comprehend the Universal Consciousness of the Infinite Creation. The alchemical forces released from the Semiotical Christograms with their waves of higher perceptive cognition will empower the Individual Mind to slowly acknowledge the Logos with its underlying Principle-Frame begetting the future Brotherhood-Sisterhood of the earthly Races of Man.
The viewer has to use this artistic expression-manifestation as a tool for scientific exploration of the Higher Inner Self, and also, as a means to decipher the Spheres of Light and Life in the Universe. The Spheres of Life are begotten (not made) by the Word-Logos within the Great Cycles of Consciousness and Life. This Gnostic Knowledge is transcended-gained from the continuous observation and deciphering process of the Alchemical Semiotics - Language of the Metaphysical Christogrammic Art. Those who will feel attracted to the Christogrammic images-forms will begin to enter into the sphere of Gnostic Cognition, spheres of their own Mind of the Soul and Consciousness. Thereafter, they will begin to truly acknowledge that Spiritual Darkness, alienation from your Soul, and materialistic existence create a world of degeneration, anxiety, cruelty, violence, disorder, psychosis, and suicide. Your Mind of the Brain, Soul, and Mind of the Soul have to commingle in your daily existence, and so, you shall escape the burden of suffering.
The dynamics of perceptive and Gnostic Cognition take time, passion, and struggle to know your Inner Self-Being. The present artistic manifestation comes into existence as a CRY of the Inner Soul that wanted to make itself known to the Mind of the Brain and Conscious Thought of individual life. This cry of the artist’s Soul shall reach those who have the Spiritual Hunger to know the Mysteries of their Inner Selves. Moreover, this Metaphysical artistic manifestation is a Journey of the Soul, as I have said so often. In the pre-destined day, begin the Journey of your Soul, and you shall not be the one you were before.
Standing with your Mind of the Brain toward the Face of Creation - not within the frame of the ever-changing social hierarchy of the Mortal World - you are asked to read deeply each page, paragraph, and sentence of this website. Then, perceiving profoundly each image and symbolic Form-Letter of the artworks from the Gallery page, you will begin to feel that they shall become One-Destiny with the language of your everyday Mind and overwhelming Consciousness. And for a Moment of Time, you might remember that behind the present artistic expression-linked to an Esoteric Metaphysical Science there is the unspoken suffering of the Incarnated Soul of an artist that gives you the Key to open the Gates of your Soul and elevate the Inner Self-Consciousness to a higher level of existence and cognition.
May the Soul of Universe that permeates the-All of Infinite Creation,
may the Spirit of Great Mother Star Khaa-Ayyaa-Tara-Virgin-Mary-Earth,
may the Great Spirit of One Begetter-Father of All-Creation
may the mysteries of Metaphysical Christogrammic Art and Science,
be with you, true Son and Daughter of Man!
On the first web page, I might say a few words about the time, location, and the way in which the Metaphysical Christogrammic Art came into existence. The time – as conscious remembering - was the spring of the year 1996. The place was the backyard of my house – a little house of a poor artist since the artists of the world live and create fighting every day with their destined financial poverty, but having much intellectual and spiritual richness that is envied by those who lack them. I have always been a free Soul-unfolding the powers and mysteries of Cosmic Cognition and Truth, never falling prey to the erroneous philosophical-ideological truths of the mortal world, our world ruled and cursed by so many Gods of ancient and present times.
Inasmuch as the conscious word can say and reveal, the Beings of Light have protected me from the Evil Forces of this world, walking with me the path of One-Cosmic Destiny, since many of us do live in an ageless Brotherhood-Sisterhood of Light and Flesh. Through the guidance of the Beings of Light, the Metaphysical Christogrammic Art began to unfold the Spiritual-Cosmic Cognition and Language of the Inner Soul. Though unseen and inconceivable to many materialistic minds, the exalted Beings of Light initiated and transcended into my Soul, Consciousness, and Mind the mysterious Knowledge of the Metaphysical Christogrammic Art, helping me to attain the Cosmic Cognition.
In the Days of the Future - Days that will not be measured by the spinning of the Earth-Star around its axis - a Spiritual Race of Man shall appear to walk the karmic paths of our world. That new Race of Man will communicate through telepathic Christogrammic Language and have the cognition of the Sacred Nature of Mother-Star Khaa-Ayyaa-Tara-Virgin-Mary-Earth as a Cosmic Being of Life, the Immortal Mother endowed with the gigantic Cosmic Soul-Spirit Form and Consciousness. That Race will unify the genetic nature of the forgotten Gods of the Past with the Higher Nature and Purpose of Life of the Seventh Immortal Race of Man. It is vital for my Inner Self-Being and its Astral-Etheric Embroidery of Life to remember what the Great Cosmic Being Virgin-Mary-Earth told me years ago in a Sacred and Never-Forgotten Vision:
"<In the Ages to come, there will be no Spiritual and Material Poverty, there will be no more Poverty of the Soul of Man in My earthly Kingdoms of Life.>" Her Sacred Voice speaks often in the Inner Shrine of my Soul, the abode in which I transcend-go to find the Mystery of Eternal Knowledge and serendipitous means of existence.
By Sacred Visions, meditation, and European Cosmic Yoga (Samadhi of the Eastern World), the waves of the Christogrammic Language of the Soul have empowered my heart, will, and hands to create a Metaphysical-Artistic expression that has the purpose to open the dormant Sacred Etheric Portal-Eye of many Beings of Man (the Portal-Spiritual Insight or Third Eye of the Mystery Schools of Humanity). When that goal is accomplished in the human being, you are enabled for minutes or hours to leave the Outer (Physical) Self, while your Soul will take a flight, or transcend through the spacelessness and timelessness of the Universe, through the Higher Spheres of Life-Light. That has been done throughout the Aeons of Creation by the Hierophants of the lesser and greater Mystery Schools, by the Sages and Enlightened Priesthood of the Inner Sun of Creation. The aforementioned process, phenomenon, and dynamics of Cosmic Christogrammic Cognition are now GIVEN to the world at large, and not restricted anymore in the secret Temples of the Mystery Schools.
I was,... I am,... and I will ever be a GIVER, and never a TAKER. Those who feel ready to take and hold faithfully in the Hands of their Consciousness this Christogrammic Art, Language, and Cognition are welcome. And remember, I do not need richness, titles, and honors from the World of the Flesh; all I need is to accomplish the Mission of the Flame of the Ages, a mission that pays you back in "Coins of Eternity."
I have no regard for the riches of the Mortal World. The only genuine richness in the Eyes of the One Begetter-Father of All-Creation is the one that lasts forever. That most precious richness would manifest as the Spiritual Growth of the Soul, Spirit, and Consciousness of the Being of Man.
At the midnight when the above paragraphs were written, when the flames of my Soul attain the highest vibration to resonate with the Consciousness of my earthly Brothers and Sisters of the Being of Man, I can give you with the Tongue of my Noble Ancestors of Atlantis a precious reminder:
Renounce to the unconscious war with the Natural Laws of Creation.
Rise above the Grave of Spiritual Darkness and Evil.
Search to comprehend the longings of your heart.
Free thyself from the bondage of the triad Ego-Thought-Reason, and
Approach the Metaphysical Christogrammic Art with its living power of Spiritual Science. The deeper truths – which your Soul has searched for so long – are now in front of your eyes, truths revealing the Life of the Inner Soul. Do not throw these truths in the Dark Abyss of Creation.
May the stellar rays of the Mother-Stars of the Galactic Milky Way be with you, Sons and Daughters of Man!
May the Etheric Waves of the Logos sent by the One Creator-Father of Universe and transcending the Infinity of Spaces reach your Consciousness in the days in which you will choose the path of knowledge of the Metaphysical Christogrammic Art!
* * * * * * *
The Christogrammic Art has become a fragment from the Beating Heart of my Destiny. Please, feel self-content to speak about this website to your friends and family, to the galleries you might visit, and feel free to share this site and its Gallery Images via Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, or other Social Media venues you like! Therefore, you shall be a precious fellow of my Sacred Mission, a true Brother or Sister from the earthly Family of the Beings of Mankind. Your unconditional help shall be rewarded by the Highest Hierarchy of Light of the Universe.
And always remember - we are not and we will never be alone on the Path of Life of our Cosmic Family of Man in the Universe. We have not been alone throughout the Ages and Aeons of Creation in this Dual Universe, in which the Beings of Light (the Angels of All-Times) walk the Path of Universal Karma with the Beings of Man, walk the Path of Evolution together with the poor Being of Man that is protected from the Higher Spheres of Light, and is NOT let to be devoured by the Forces of Evil, Spiritual Darkness, and Unknowledgeness.
And remember again into the depth of your heart the sacred esoteric Knowledge of the Past: Man with capital letter is not a gender, Man means the Being of Man, meaning and revealing Man-Soul and Woman-Soul united in One Image-Essence of Eternal Creation. These words are not to be found in any religion of your world - these words come from the Wisdom of the Immortals of the First Atlantes. When these words will enter the Heart of thy Soul, you shall begin to walk the Path toward the Eternal Truth of Creation (not the truth of the mortal world and perishable cultures-civilizations).